Dưới đây là mẫu giáo án VNEN unit 12 An overcrowded : Getting started. Bài học nằm trong chương trình tiếng Anh 7 tập 2. Bài mẫu có : văn bản text, file PDF, file word đính kèm. Thầy cô giáo có thể tải về để tham khảo. Hi vọng, mẫu giáo án này mang đến sự hữu ích..

UNIT 12 : AN OVERCROWDED WORLD Lesson 1: Getting started I/ OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, students can can use the words to describe overcrowded places, words about the effects of overcrowding. 1. Knowledge: a. Grammar : Comparisions of quantifiers : more /less / fewer - tag questions . b. Lexical items : Overcrowed places . c. Pronunciation: 2. Skills: - Listening, Speaking, Reading,Writing and interactive skills 3. Attitude: - Cooperation, respect, having right and friendly attitudes with friends, teachers in the new school 4. Quality and competence: - Be confident and friendly with the new school environment - Develope listening, speaking skills and cooperative interaction II/ TEACHING AIDS (MATERIALS) 1.Teacher’s preparation: - Lesson plan, Pictures, posters ,textbook,CD-MP3(Computer-Multi projector/cassette/ “sách mềm”) and other materials 2.Students’ preparation: -Textbook, notebook, school things. III/ WORKING ARRANGEMENTS( WAYS OF WORKING ) - Pair work , individual work, group work, T-WC IV/ TEACHING PROCEDURE: 1-Greetingandcheckgstudentsadtendence:Total:In:.........Out:...........2-Checkgtheoldsson3-Newsson:ActivitiesContents1.Warmup.Writethewordpopa̲tionontheboard.MakesureSsknowthemeangofthiswordbyeithergivgtheantVietnamesewordorwritg:Thereare5millionpeopHaNoi.HaNoihasapopa̲tionof5million.AskSsiftheyknowthepopa̲tionofanyareathecountryortheworld.OncetheSshavedoit,addtheprefixoverandelicitthemeangofthiswly-formedwordomSs.2.Activities.PresentationElicitthewwords1.Listenandread(P58)-Setthesce:AskSslkatthetitofthendtheπcturesandaskthempredictionquestionaboutwt^heyaregogread.Thequestionsmaybe:Wi^stheconversationabout?Wd^oyouthkBrazilislike?DoyouthkPhuonglikesBrazil?Wc^anyoufdaboutRioBrazilthisconversation?Ssguesstheanswers.PracticePlaytherecordg.Sslistenandread.AskSsiftheirpredictionsarecorrect.1a.Readtheconversationaga...(P59)-Ssworkdependently.Askthemreadthesentencesanddeciftheyaretrueorfalse.-Sscoareanswerswithapartr.HaveSscorrectthefalsesentences.-Twritesthecorrectanswersontheboard.1b.Readtheconversationaga.Fdaword...(P59)-AskSsreadtheexplanationstheexerciseandtryfdthewordswithoutcheckgthe-ThenaskSsreferthedialogueagaforthecorrectwords.Correcttheanswersasa.Markthewordsthebwiththeπcture..(P59)-MakesureSsknowthemeangofthewordstheb.ThenSsworkdependentlylabeltheπctures.Havethemcoaretheiranswerswithapartr.-PlaytherecordgandhaveSsrepeatthewords.Tgivescorrectionifcessary.Production:3.Usesomeofthewords2describe...(P59)-Sscotetheexercisedependently.TcallssomeSssharetheirsentenceswiththeTcanchsesomegdsentencesandwritethemontheboardforother--Ssarnom.EncouraSsmakeasmanysentencesaspossib.4.Workgroups,Makealistoftheprobms...(P59)-Ingroups,askSsthkoftheprobmsandmakealistofthem.-IfSshavedict̲y,sugsttt^heylkforprobmstheirdailylifeattheirown,schls,homes,areasoranyotherplacestheyknowfortheanswers.5.Shareyourlistwiththeseeiftheyagreewithyou(P59)-CalleachgoupreporttheirlisttheTmayhelpwritetheprobmsontheboard.-Askthetheyagreeor¬.Encourathemgiveanexplanationtheiranswers.Thenmoveonthextgroupanddothesame.3.Homework-Learnwwordsandphrases-PrepareforAcloserlk1I.NewwordsOvercrowded(adj):đôngnghtOverpopa̲tion(n):dânsquáđôngSlum(n):KhunhàchutPeacefadj̲:thanhbìnhCrime(n):tiphmCommitcrime:phmtiHea<hcare(n):chămsócsckheWea<hy(adj):giàucóDiverse(adj):đadng,khácLawfadj̲:hppháp,đúngpháplut><UnlawfS̲pacious(adj):rngrãiII.Activities1a.Key:1.T2.T3.F4.T5.F1b.Key:1.deverse2.wea<hy3.major4.slums5.crime2.Key:1.a2.c3.b4.e5.dUNIT12:ANOVERCROWEDWORLDLesson1:GegtedIOBJECTIVESBytheendofthesson,studentscancanusethewordsdescribeovercrowdedplaces,wordsabouttheeffectsofovercrowdg.1.Knowd:a.Grammar:Coarisionsofquantifiers:moressfewer-tagquestions.b.Leξcalitems:Overcrowedplaces.c.Proνnciation:2.Skills:-Listeng,Speakg,Readg,Writganderactiveskills3.Aitude:-Cperation,respect,havgrightandiendlyaitudeswithiends,teachersthewschl4.Qualityandcoetence:-Beconfntandiendlywiththewschlenvironment-Developelisteng,speakgskillsandcperativeeractionIITEACHINGAIDS(MATERIALS)1.Teacherspreparation:-Lessonplan,Πctures,posters,k,CD-MP3(Couter-Mt̲iprojecrcasseesáchmm)andothermaterials2.Studentspreparation:-Textbk,¬ebk,schlthgs.IIIWORKINGAANGEMENTS(WAYSOFWORKING)-Pairwork,÷alwork,groupwork,T-WCIVTEACHINGPROCEDURE:1-Greetgand checking students’ adtendence: Total: In: ......... Out: .......... . 2-Checking the old lesson 3-New lesson: Activities Contents 1. Warm up. Write the word ‘population’ on the board. Make sure Ss know the meaning of this word by either giving the equivalent Vietnamese word or writing: There are 5 million people in Ha Noi. → Ha Noi has a population of 5 million. Ask Ss if they know the population of any area in the country or in the world. Once the Ss have done it, add the prefix “over” and elicit the meaning of this newly-formed word from Ss. 2. Activities. Presentation Elicit the new words 1.Listen and read (P58) - Set the scene: Ask Ss to look at the title of the text and the pictures and ask them prediction question about what they are going to read. The questions may be: • What is the conversation about? • What do you think Brazil is like? • Do you think Phuong likes Brazil? • What can you find about Rio/Brazil in this conversation? Ss guess the answers. Practice Play the recording. Ss listen and read. Ask Ss if their predictions are correct. 1a. Read the conversation again... (P59) - Ss work independently. Ask them to read the sentences and decide if they are true or false. - Ss compare answers with a partner. Have Ss correct the false sentences. - T writes the correct answers on the board. 1b. Read the conversation again. Find a word... (P59) - Ask Ss to read the explanations in the exercise and try to find the words without checking the text. - Then ask Ss to refer to the dialogue again for the correct words. Correct the answers as a class. 2.Mark the words in the box with the picture.. (P59) - Make sure Ss know the meaning of the words in the box. Then Ss work independently to label the pictures. Have them compare their answers with a partner. - Play the recording and have Ss repeat the words. T gives correction if necessary. Production: 3.Use some of the words in 2 to describe... (P59) - Ss complete the exercise independently. T calls some Ss to share their sentences with the class. - T can choose some good sentences and write them on the board for other - - Ss to learn from. Encourage Ss to make as many sentences as possible. 4. Work in groups, Make a list of the problems... (P59) - In groups, ask Ss to think of the problems and make a list of them. - If Ss have difficulty, suggest that they look for problems in their daily life at their own classes, schools, homes, areas or any other places they know for the answers. 5. Share your list with the class and see if they agree with you (P59) - Call each goup to report their list to the class. T may help write the problems on the board. - Ask the class if they agree or not. Encourage them to give an explanation to their answers. Then move on to the next group and do the same. 3. Homework - Learn new words and phrases - Prepare for A closer look 1 I. New words Overcrowded (adj): đông nghịt Overpopulation (n): dân số quá đông Slum (n): Khu nhà ổ chuột Peaceful (adj): thanh bình Crime (n): tội phạm Commit crime: phạm tội Healthcare (n): chăm sóc sức khỏe Wealthy (adj): giàu có Diverse (adj): đa dạng, khác Lawful (adj): hợp pháp, đúng pháp luật > < Unlawful Spacious (adj): rộng rãi II. Activities 1a. Key : 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 1b.Key: 1. deverse 2. wealthy 3. major 4. slums 5. crime 2.Key: 1. a 2. c 3. b 4. e 5. d